Sekolah online tantangan bagi pengajar
Buku dan Sekolah Onlline.
Sekolah Online adalah penerapan teknologi pendidikan yang paling benar dan mapan untuk membangun SDM yang kuat dan mampu berdaya saing di masa depan. Sekolah online menghapus ketegangan dan stress yang dialami oleh murid-murid sekolah dari kalangan menengah ke atas yang biasa menghabiskan waktu bersekolah dari pagi sampai sore. Anak mempunyai waktu relaksasi dan lebih kreatif melalui sekolah online yang mengarahkan anak pada kemandirian tapi Sekolah online membutuhkan pendampingan guru yang juga tidak gagal memahami teknologi sehingga murid tidak ngantuk dan ketiduran tatkala guru dan murid berinteraksi. Keterlibatan dalam proses kreativitas antara murid dan guru selayaknya membangkitkan motivasi dan harga diri yang setara bagi keduanya.
Misalnya; guru bisa mengajak murid-murid menulis buku, satu buku dalam satu tahun ajaran untuk satu mata pelajaran. Para murid menuliskan interpretasinya terhadap obyek pilihan, dalam narasi dan dikumpulkan kemudian guru bersama murid-murid mengedit narasi tersebut hingga menjadikannya sebuah buku. Jika ada lima kelas setara maka satu sekolah untuk kelas setara menghasilkan lima buku. Buku ini bisa diterbitkan dengan guru sebagai editor dan murid-murid sebagai kontributor. Buku-buku ini disahkan sebagai buku pendukung bahan ajar bersama-sama buku kurikulum, dan buku pendukung kurikulum. Guru senang. Murid juga bangga. proses bottom-up terjadi. Pada bagian lain di pedesaan dan masyarakat yang belum memiliki akses internet cukup guru bisa mengarahkan murid- murid menggunakan buku dan koleksi yang tersedia di perpustakaan nasional. Guru mengarahkan murid menggunakan perpustakaan daerah dan perpustakaan dea serta PKBM, Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar. Perpustakaan nasional mempunyai dan berlangganan jurnal internasional dari berbagai pihak seperti ebsco, scopus, dan sejenis lainnya juga koleksi buku-buku kurikulum hingga pendukung kurikulum.
Dengan demikian proses menghasilkan SDM yang layak, handal dan berkualitas dibangun bersama-sama antara guru dan murid dengan dukungan orang tua yang difasilitasi oleh Pemerintah dalam hal ini departemen pendidikan. Buku dan Sekolah Online juga akan dapat menggusur dengan pelan issue tentang praktik mafia perbukuan. Kelak Buku yang hadir bukan semata buku proyek tetapi buku-buku yang lahir dari anak didik, pendidik bersama-sama Pemerintah yang berhasil mendorong terciptanya SDM unggul, berkualitas, dalam rangka mencapai tujuan mencerdaskan bangsa.

Pandemic leads us to have a new model of Online school. School Online has many positive benefits as well negative. From the financial side the benefits are more positive. But here the role of books and teachers is the main. Teachers must have the skills that the students feel involved and close together as in the Ofline School school, one way by involving pupils is a familiar part.
Yes but how ?
Can books bring students and teachers closer together or vice versa? Which book can bring teachers and students closer so that students are not sleepy and asleep when attending school Online?
Book and Online School
Books and Online School.
Online School is the most correct and well-established application of educational technology to build strong and capable human resources in the future.
Online schools remove the tension and stress experienced by school students from the upper middle class who usually spend time attending school from morning to evening. Children have time to relax and be more creative through online schooling which directs children to independence but
Online schools require the assistance of teachers who also do not fail to understand technology so students do not feel sleepy and fall asleep when the teacher and student interact.
Involvement in the creativity process between students and teachers should evoke equal motivation and self-esteem for both.
For example; the teacher can invite students to write books, one book in one school year for one subject. The students write their interpretations of the chosen object, in the narrative and then the teacher and the students are collected and the students edit the narrative to make it a book. If there are five equivalent classes then one school for the equivalent class produces five books. This book can be published with the teacher as an editor and students as contributors. These books were endorsed as supporting books for teaching materials together with curriculum books and curriculum support books. The teacher is happy. Students are also proud. bottom-up process occurs.
In other parts of the countryside and in communities where there is not enough internet access, teachers can direct students to use books and collections available at national libraries. The teacher directs students to use the regional and dea library and PKBM, the Teaching and Learning Center.
The national library has and subscribes to international journals from various parties such as ebsco, scopus, and other similar types as well as collections of curriculum books to curriculum supporters.
Thus the process of producing decent, reliable and quality human resources is built jointly between teachers and students with the support of parents who are facilitated by the Government in this case the education department.
Books and Online Schools will also be able to slowly displace issues about bookkeeping mafia practices. Later the books that were present were not merely project books but books that were born of students, educators together with the Government who succeeded in encouraging the creation of superior, quality human resources, in order to achieve the goal of educating the nation.